Why go:
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A guide by:
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This is a guide to North Dorset and the Blackmore Vale. It includes lots of lovely places to explore and enjoy. Many tourists overlook this part of Dorset but it is a really beautiful place.
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day,lunch,dinner,free,just show up
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The centre of the town, this is a beautiful abbey.
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day,lunch,varies,just show up
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This very steep hill has starred in TV Advertisements and films.Have a coffee at the top and enjoy the view.
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day,lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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This deli is full of delicious local food. The owner is an expert at getting customers to try something new! There's a great cafe here too.
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day,varies,just show up
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This is a great deli specialising in olives. There's a shop in Sturminster Newton and another in Poundbury.
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day,free,just show up
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For a fabulous view walk across Bulbarrow Hill. This is Thomas Hardy's Vale of the Little Dairies and is stunning.
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day,free,just show up
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This is a magnificent iron age hill fort which is excellent for walking.
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day,lunch,varies,just show up
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This is a great cafe in Sherborne,
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day,very cheap,check site first
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This is a lovely historic castle and beautiful grounds. Once the residence of Sir Walter Raleigh.
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lunch,dinner,night,varies,just show up
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This is a historic pub in Marnhull that inspired Thomas Hardy when writing Tess of the D'Urbervilles.
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day,lunch,dinner,night,free,just show up
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This is a community project. The village has restored a historic railway station with carriages. You can also walk along the North Dorset Trailway close to this station.
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day,lunch,varies,just show up
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An excellent farm shop full of local food.
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day,lunch,dinner,night,varies,just show up,check site first
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A beautiful setting for a picnic or walk.
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day,varies,just show up
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This store has outdoor clothes and household items. The sort of place where you can find anything.
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day,lunch,dinner,night,free,just show up
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This historic village is interesting. 200 years ago the village had to move because the local lord thought it spoiled his view. There are character houses here and a great pub.
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day,varies,just show up
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The highest grass airfield in England. Great views, good for plance spotting and the cafe is one of Dorset's best kept secrets.
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day,lunch,dinner,night,varies,check site first
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A lovely place to stay and get a good meal.
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day,varies,check site first
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This is an annual event just outside Tarrant Hinton. It is full of steam engines and other fascinating items. It has to be seen to be believed.
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day,very cheap,just show up
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Shaftesbury Abbey was built by King Alfred. The ruins are interesting as is the view across the Blackmore Vale.
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day,fixed price,check site first
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A great military museum in Blandford Forum
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lunch,dinner,night,varies,just show up
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A lovely country pub
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day,free,just show up
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A unique feature of this lovely village- on a very steep hill. It is believed to be an ancient fertility symbol.
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day,lunch,varies,just show up
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This is a lovely supermarket which prides itself on quality local food. It is ideal for stocking up for a picnic.
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lunch,dinner,night,varies,just show up
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A very pleasant village pub with good food.
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day,free,just show up
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One of the steepest hills in Dorset this is great walking country.
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