Why go:
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A guide by:
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The Hipster's Guide to Tucson, AZ. If you're looking for funky, cool places to hangout, you'll love these spots.
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day,lunch,dinner,night,varies,check site first
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Cool place to hang out. Good drinks, food, and bands on the weekend.
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dinner,night,varies,check site first
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Hipster Music Venue
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day,lunch,dinner,night,varies,just show up
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Great place to grab a pint of beer with outdoor seating.
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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Hip, organic food co-op
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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Burritos and dessert with a high class, Hipster feel
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day,night,free,just show up
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Great place to throw a frisbee or check out a play.
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day,lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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Oldest Mexican restaurant in Tucson! Great Food.
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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Ice cream and gourmet food.
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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Vegan and healthy breakfast and lunch.
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day,varies,just show up
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Get all your natural and organic food here!
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day,varies,just show up
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Awesome bike shop in the Tucson area.
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night,varies,check site first
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Best Comedy club in Town!
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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Hipster hangout and coffee shop.
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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THE place for beer and pizza!
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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Super cool place for lunch and dinner in the West University area.
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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University student hangout with free wi-fi
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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Hipster coffee!
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