Why go:
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A guide by:
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Ryan Casey
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If you are in Worcester, you deserve to give yourself a break and grab a beer from some of the great beer venues around the city.
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lunch,dinner,night,varies,just show up
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Wide selection of top-notch beers with incredible food.
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day,lunch,dinner,night,varies,just show up
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Especially good on sunny days with lake views.
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day,lunch,dinner,varies,check site first
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Attached to Peppercorn's Restaurant, Wormtown is Worcester's brewery, making unique beers of all variety. Go for a tour.
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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The best sport's bar in the city with everything you need to relax and enjoy the games.
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dinner,night,varies,just show up
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Not actually a dive bar, The Dive Bar gives you just about anything you can imagine with a unique Worcester atmosphere.
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day,dinner,night,varies,just show up
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High quality beer without the pretense. Very relaxed and enjoyable.
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lunch,dinner,night,varies,just show up
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Great any night. Tons of beers, great food, and sports on TV. Keep an eye out for their beer tasting nights.
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dinner,night,varies,just show up
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Tons of fun, lots of music, and they even boast $0.25 wings on Tuesdays to go with your beer.
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