A point of interest featured in The City of Lights- Karachi Guidelet.
A day,very cheap,just show up option in Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan .
Located at 7 Hatim Alvi Road, Clifton
Telephone: +92 21 35837669
Visit their website at http://www.tripadvisor.co.za/ShowUserReviews-g295414-d553612-r26346919-Mohatta_Palace_Museum-Karachi_Sindh_Province.html
Why Go: Mohatta Palace was built in the late 1920's by Shivratan Chandraratan Mohatta, a Hindu businessman from Marwar, who used this palace as his summer home. With an area of around 18,500 sq. feet, this beautiful palace is built in a Rajasthani style. It also has a temple that is situated on the terrace of the Palace. Now a days, it hosts a museum which exhibits the early history of Sindh.
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