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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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This icon of Atlanta is filled with art and oddities that can appreciated while you dine. If you can withstand the wait of the long crowds, you are in for a burger that will change how you view burgers for the rest of your life.
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day,fixed price,check site first
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A couple can become lost in the crowd and be alone among many. There are so many nooks and crannies to explore while expieriencing an up close look at marine life. The dolphin show is also sure to please the senses with its musical numbers.
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day,night,varies,check site first
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If you happen to be in the city when the Con is in town it is a must see. From the cosplayers dressed as their favorite characters to room upon room of different artists to several dances each night. The experience will no be forgotten- just remember to wear comfortable shoes.
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day,lunch,varies,just show up
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One of the most amazing restaurants to have brunch at. The food is exquisite and the service friendly. Just be prepared to wait for quite awhile if you don't arrive early enough, but trust me, the food is worth the wait.
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day,night,varies,check site first
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The most amazing movie theater in existence to my knowledge. At the time you purchase your ticket, you actually reserve which seat in the theater you would like to have. There is also a full bar where you can order drinks and carry them into the movie. If that wasn't enough, all of the seats in the theater are recliners with foot rests. Once you see a movie here, the run of the mill theater just wont do it.
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day,lunch,dinner,free,just show up
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This mall is right in the middle of being too snooty and down to earth. The food court has plenty of healthy choices and there are tons of stores to explore even if you don't intend to buy anything.
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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The best pizza, period. Favorited by several celebrities (which have left their mark on the pizza paddles that hang on the wall) Antico remains an Atlanta treasure. They also have divine calzones and an assortment of cannolis to salivate over.
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day,fixed price,check site first
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With so many different wings and artist to browse through, you can lose yourself in the museum. They have days with lowered admission, but all the same art.
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night,varies,check site first
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Unique performances performed by independent artists. The shows are constantly changing and bringing in fresh talent.
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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Surprisingly delicious sushi at surprisingly cheap prices. The miso soup is also scrumptious and don't be afraid to ask for extra seaweed.
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day,very cheap,just show up,check site first
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From organic food to homemade soup, even if you are just going to see what people can accomplish with their own two hands- a definite see for any couple with a streak of green in them.
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day,varies,just show up
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If you used to like Hot Topic (you know, before they sold out), you will get a kick out of this store. Try on some vintage clothing or leave with a clever nick-knack.
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lunch,dinner,varies,just show up
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The best barbeque joint in Atlanta and possibly Georgia. The pulled chicken sandwich melts in your mouth and the fries are seasoned to perfection. One bite and you will be hooked.
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day,night,free,just show up
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Can anyone say picnic? Take a Frisbee or enjoy a walk. You may also be able to catch an art show or a concert.
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day,varies,just show up
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For the nerd in all of us. This store has an assortment of games, movies, comic books, and toys. Just going in and looking around is sure to cause a trip down memory lane and pop a smile on your face.
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